No Plans for “Better Call Saul” Overlap with Breaking Bad Era (yet)

Bob Odenkirk in "Better Call Saul"

If you love Better Call Saul, it’s probably because you loved Breaking Bad first. If that’s the case, then you’re probably wondering when its timeline will catch up to the Breaking Bad era and whether Walt and Jesse will ever show up. Unfortunately, the Better Call Saul writing team have no idea either.

Vince Gilligan, the show’s co-creator, recently spoke to Collider and revealed that they have not yet written Jesse and Walt’s era into the timeline.

“[We take things] very much season by season. And I’m less involved than I used to be,” he admitted. “We really don’t know where it’s all going.”

“We have ideas, and touchstones we want to get to, but [we’re] never really sure where it’s going to wind up,” Gilligan continued.

“And that is to the good, because otherwise if we knew 5, 6, 7 years ahead of time where we want it to land, it would get stale.”

What we are sure of, is that the writers have guaranteed that if the show’s timelines do intertwine, it will be done tastefully and won’t disappoint. Gilligan promised fans that if Walter White and Jesse do appear in the spin-off, it will be more satisfying than “just a cameo”.

“I think we’ve waited long enough. We damn well better have a good reason for them to show up. I just hope we figure it out because I’ve got to hear, ‘Yeah, bitch!’ one more time.”