Ewan McGregor is Very in Touch with his Childhood

Ewan McGregor. Photo by S_Bukley

Ewan McGregor may be nearing 50, but his inner child is still alive and well.

The actor’s latest flick is a retelling of the childhood classic, Winnie the Pooh, where he plays a grown-up version of Christopher Robin.

When asked whether filming Christopher Robin made him nostalgic for his own childhood, the 47-year-old simply said, “I always feel my childhood is quite close to me.”

He continued by saying, “I’ve had the luxury of playing for my life. I get to play at work and I get to use my imagination to earn my living so I’m close to my childhood anyway. I feel that’s part of adulthood that we have to leave behind, but I didn’t have to.”

As a father of 4 daughters, Ewan revealed that he used to read the AA Milne books, on which the film’s characters are based, to his children when they were younger.

“There are several volumes of AA Milne’s books and I’m very familiar with the first one. I can only assume it was read to me as a child because I read that to my kids. I have just always known Winnie the Pooh, he’s one of those characters.”

Never grow up, Ewan!