If you hated Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series, then that means Jason Issacs did a great job. Although Isaacs achieved many notable roles in his acting career, we have a feeling that he will be always recognized as Draco Malfoy’s father.
However, it was unknown until now that Isaacs almost turned down the part. Speaking to Digital Spy, Isaacs revealed that he, in fact, wanted to play Gilderoy Lockhart and auditioned for that part. The producers called him after and asked him if he could read for the part of Lucius Malfoy. Isaacs didn’t like the fact that he would be playing a villain since he already committed to play Captain Hook in 2003’s Peter Pan.
“I said to my agent, ‘When they call, tell them no, thank you very much, I am about to go play Captain Hook’. He said, ‘Just think about it over the weekend’. I said, ‘No, I don’t want to think about it – it’s fun and lovely and flattering but I am not playing two children’s villains!'” revealed Isaacs in the interview.
Luckily, Isaacs changed his mind after his family talked him into it, particularly his nieces, nephews, and godchildren. “They all tried to persuade me to take the job – not because they cared about me but because they wanted to visit the set! So I took the job and thank god I did!”
After he finished filming the Harry Potter series, Jason Isaacs went on to star in numerous movies and TV projects. His latest big project is portraying the role of Captain Gabriel Lorca in the Star Trek: Discovery. Isaacs is also known for his voice acting, lending his voice to characters in Justice League: Gods and Monsters and animates series Star Wars Rebels.