Rihanna Freaked Out About Meeting Aaron Paul and We Can So Relate

Rihanna. Photo by David Fisher/REX/Shutterstock (9067382ag)

Ah, celebrities. They’re just like us.

If you’ve ever totally freaked out over seeing a star of one of your favorite series, you’re in good company.

Make that “good girl gone bad” company… because Rihanna is just like you! The Love on the Brain singer is a big fan of Breaking Bad which this year marks 10 years since it premiered.

So dedicated is her fandom, that Breaking Bad star, Aaron Paul had a very memorable encounter with the 30-year-old in 2014.

Whilst on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Aaron revealed that Drake, too, is a massive fan of the Emmy award-winning series.

The rapper introduced the show to his good friend RiRi, who apparently became hooked.

Aaron told Jimmy about how, “I was just at some event and an SVU was driving by me and it stops, and the back door opens and it’s Rihanna and she jumps out. I’m like, ‘Oh my God, there’s Rihanna.”

It got even better, as he continued: “And she starts literally running towards me. I’m like, ‘She can’t be running towards me, you know?’ And then she threw her arms around me and said, ‘I had to meet you, I needed proof of this.’ And then paparazzi took some pictures of us, and my life was made.”

Here’s proof:

We guess they “found love” in a parking place.