Jon Hamm recently voiced the true-crime podcast American Hostage, and its live-action adaptation is just around the corner. The Mad Men alum landed the lead role in this promising series, created by The Night Agent’s Shawn Ryan.
The official synopsis describes this series as a psychological thriller that tells the harrowing true story of Fred Heckman. The beloved Indianapolis radio reporter was thrust into the middle of a life-or-death crisis when hostage-taker, Tony Kiritsis, demanded to be interviewed on his news program.
Hamm voiced Heckman in the podcast that this series is based on, and he’ll reprise the role in its live-action adaptation. He’ll also serve as one of the executive producers, alongside its scribes Shawn Ryan and Eileen Myers. They’ll be joined by Shawn Christensen and Gabriel Mason, who executive produced the original podcast, along with Connie Tavel and Ryan’s MiddKid partner Marney Hochman.
2023 has been a pretty busy year for Jon Hamm even before he landed the lead role in American Hostage. He appeared alongside Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon in the third season of The Morning Show and will soon play one of the lead roles in the fifth season of the anthology series Fargo. He’ll also portray Coach Carr in Mean Girls: The Musical this January.