Anne Hathaway has been cast as the Grand High Witch in the upcoming remake of The Witches.
For most of us, The Witches was the first horror film we ever saw. Sure, it’s an adaptation of a Roald Dahl book for children, but it scared the bejeebers out of us all when we were kids.
The story follows a seven-year-old child who stumbles across a coven of child-hating witches. They turn him into a mouse and it is in this form that he must stop the witches from fulfilling their evil plans.
Now, Robert Zemecki will be directing a remake of the chilling tale. This is the brilliant director who brought us Back To The Future and the iconic Forrest Gump. Basically, our hopes are high.
The news that Anne Hathaway will be taking on the fantastic role of the Grand High Witch is also exciting stuff and the people of Twitter seem to agree.
“All I heard was ‘Anne Hathaway’ and ‘Witches’ and I’m in,” one user exclaimed.
Another said: “YESSSSSSS I didn’t know how I’d feel about this, I worshipped this movie as a child, but right now I’m all about her in this.”